Monday, December 11, 2017

I Don't Like Christmas But THIS I Like Even Less

Half a tree only fills half my sad dark soul.
The missing half only mocks me.

This is for people who have limited space. Here's a clue, if you have limited space get a SMALLER TREE not half a larger tree. Who is this for? People who live in submarines or on the International Space Station? Even a crowded volcanic lair has room for a regular sized Christmas tree. Who is the consumer for this? I bet they try to sell you the same amount of decorations. I have no idea why this offends me so much.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, it would stand flush to the wall. I guess that's the appeal. Who looks at the backside of a Christmas tree anyway?

DrGoat said...

Backside always got the least amount of ornaments anyway. I guess that would be handy in one of those tiny houses that are all the rage right now.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Precisely. The backside gets all the old, crappy ornaments that you don't want front and centre.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

OMG...why don't I see this as anything but a further abuse of a holiday I hate anyways. Why do I care so much that people only have half a tree. I feel like I am being lied to by a plant that I brought into my home. And I suspect someone is making twice the money for half the tree.

DrGoat said...

I do agree with your sentiment. So used to seeing things I grew up with get discarded. I'm jaded.